Module 15 | Affectivity

Affectivity is at the heart of Biodanza, the line that runs through all the vivencias. This is about emotional intelligence as a key to individual development and social transformation. The weekend looks at the need for ethics and an education by affectivity. We will analyze the pathologies that result from the repression of emotions.

 Module 16 | Transcendence

Transcendence is the pinnacle of the five lines of vivencia. Here we can look at this concept and experience dancing into bliss and the oceanic vivencia in Biodanza and find a state of perfect harmony in our world, a state beyond the ego and beyond personal identity, a cosmic unity. 

Module 17 | Mechanisms of Action 

We continue deepening our experience with the seven powers of the process of transformation in Biodanza: the power of music. the incorporation of movement ; the induction integrating vivencias; the human encounter; the caress; the expansion of consciousness.

Module 18 | Application and Extensions

There are many extensions beyond our original beautiful Biodanza that have been created by Rolando and his team. They include his love of mythology, ceremony and the expansion of consciousness. They are designed to extend our personal development and to explore all of the possible ways that Biodanza can be adapted for specific groups, such as ethnic , social, clinical, educational and therapeutic, these are just some examples. These are ways to bring appropriate possibilities of deepening the process of Biodanza for specific groups.

 Module 19 | Ars Magna 'The Great Art'

The purpose and aims of this weekend are to introduce the concept of Biodanza as an 'Ars Magna', 'A Great Work'. An effective therapeutic response to the majority of ills of modern life, and to understand the Biodanza teacher's therapeutic role in this healing modality by comparison with other forms of therapy.

Module 20 | Social Action

What is your dream for Biodanza? This weekend aims to highlight the work that is being done with our amazing system in this country and beyond. Rolando wanted the whole world to dance in peace, harmony and delight. He danced with the street children of South America, he danced with people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and developed many other projects for specific groups. How can we bring about transformation in society through Biodanza ? How can we facilitate and promote a culture, a civilization of life. How can we develop collaborations for social projects.

This next module marks the third part of the training and the beginning of the methodology in the process of formation of the facilitators of Biodanza.

Module 21 | The Music in Biodanza

The music in Biodanza is what brings us to cross a threshold: to pass from useful, effective, movement into the movement danced, the movement full of sense. Phenomenological and scientific research around the effects of music on the perception, states of consciousness, sensations and emotions has made a considerable leap forward in recent years. This research has come to corroborate the intuition of Rolando Toro when he created Biodanza.This course is an approach to the evolution of music and the relationship between man and music.