

The theoretical and practical (vivencial) weekends have the power to transform your outlook on life, they form a comprehensive and unified training programme. We place great emphasis on the vivencial and experiential process.


Personal Life, Professional Life and the Social Life.

The First Year. Our first 10 school weekends will give you a grounding in the theoretical foundations of Biodanza and their relationship to different aspects of human sciences. Whether you are doing the training or coming as a regular dancer, our emphasis on dancing and connecting together in the vivencia will gradually deepen your experience.

You can choose the option to join the school in order to explore in more depth the personal and social aspects of Biodanza without wanting to become a facilitator so you can dance with us regularly each school weekend.

The Second Year. These next 10 weekends are now targeted more specifically to the mechanisms and effects of Biodanza. This is the heart of the training. 

The Third Year. These final 8 weekends begin the introduction to the methodology - the ‘how’ of becoming a facilitator. After an interview with the Directors to discuss your progress and suitability for the practical training you will be invited to begin this final year of your training. We shift to learning the theoretical and practical skills needed by a Biodanza facilitator to lead a group. These skills are:

 Understanding the theory and methodology of Biodanza

Your own ability to experience vivencia

Your ability to demonstrate the exercises to others

Your enunciation (or introduction) of exercises

Your choice of music and understanding of how it works

Your design of a class using the appropriate sequence of exercises

Your observation and reading of the group

Towards the end of this year a supervisory period will be arranged to help you to set up your own group and to apply the material learned and in the preparation and presentation of a monography.

These are the Modules. Click on the arrow to read more about each of them.

Module 1
Biodanza: Definition
and Theoretical Model >>

Module 2
The Biocentric Principle and the Vital Unconscious >>

Module 3
The Vivencia – The Heart of Biodanza >>

Module 4

Module 5

Physiological Aspects of Biodanza >>
Module 6

Psychological Aspects of Biodanza >>

Module 7
Mythological and Philosophical Origins >>

Identity and Integration >> 

Module 9
Trance and Regression >>

Recommended Workshop 
The Tree of Desires 

Module 10
Contact and Caress >>

Module 11
The Human Movement >>

Module 12
Vitality >>Your Life Force

Module 13
Sexuality >> Desire and Pleasure in Your Life

Module 14
Creativity >> Creating Your Life

Module 15
Affectivity >> Connecting With Another

Module 16
Transcendence >>Stepping Beyond Ourself

Module 17
Mechanisms of Action >>

Module 18
Applications and
Extensions >>

Module 19
Ars Magna >>




Module 20
Biodanza and
Social Action >>

Module 21 and 22
The Music in Biodanza and Musical Semantics>>

Module 23
Methodology 2 The Biodanza Session >>

Module 24
Methodology 3 The Biodanza Session >>

Module 25
Methodology 4 Weekly Courses and Workshops >>

Module 26
Methodology 5 The Biodanza Group >>

Module 27
Methodology 6 Evaluation Criteria >>

Module 28
Methodology 7 The Official List of Exercises, Presentations and Music >>